#BESUMMER19 BOOKENDING SUMMER 2019 // Day 8: Lemonade Stand Tag
In case you don’t know, Bookending Summer is one of the quarterly events, running under the umbrella term “Bookend Events”, aspiring to bring the book blogging community...
In case you don’t know, Bookending Summer is one of the quarterly events, running under the umbrella term “Bookend Events”, aspiring to bring the book blogging community...
I hope you guys had a good 4th of July holiday! I spent the day with my cousins in NJ, along with my mom. I hadn’t...
In case you don’t know, Bookending Summer is one of the quarterly events, running under the umbrella term “Bookend Events”, aspiring to bring the book blogging community...
YAY Bookending Events is back!!!! In case you don’t know, Bookending Summer is one of the quarterly events, running under the umbrella term “Bookend Events”, aspiring to...
Before we get into this new post, I just want to say how incredibly thankful to each and every one of you whom had...
Hey guys!! I know I’ve been kinda radio-silent lately and I promise I’m not dead. Or dying. Or sick. I’m literally stressed; both with my job...
I Heart Characters! is a weekly meme hosted by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer to showcase our book blogger love for characters! Each week she’ll...
Sam from Thoughts on Tomes has decided to take a hiatus for this summer (June, July, August). Read her note below: Hello all! I’ve decided to...
Here is another addition from my One-Sentence Reviews segment for May 2019. This is to compartmentalize and arrange all of the books I read this month...
Note: Thank you so much to NetGalley for giving me an ARC review copy of Again, But Better. I finished this book two days ago (two...