Summary: Emotion, time and self are the most necessary parts of humanity. Emotion draws out the best and worst parts of people. Time is something that is never noticed, until it is. The self is the deepest part of the soul that a person can recognize. Reality Check is a poetry collection written during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. These poems are how Danielle Pitter describes hope, love, family, healing and forgiveness.
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Author Bio:
Born and raised in New Jersey, Danielle has been writing stories since early childhood. What started from with innocent fairy-tales in first grade turned into a growing passion that was always one step behind her. After graduating from the University of Phoenix in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in Communications and Journalism, she started her writing journey as a journalist for entertainment media outlets like TV After Dark, Fangirlish and Glitter Magazine. Her first poetry novel Reality Check is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Currently, she’s a writer on her own website, PoetryBooksYA.com, a graduate student and SC&I assistant at Rutgers University’s Master of Information program. Additionally, she is a member of the New Jersey Library Association.