If you don’t know what Bookending Winter 2020 is, visit my introductory post here.
Clo @ CuppaClo continues her hosting streak this week with her latest prompt:
Wednesday 2nd December
Prompt Title: 2021 Plans, Goals & Dreams
Prompt Explanation: Share your plans, goals and dreams for next year! I always find December to be the month steeped in self reflection, planning for the months ahead and reassessing my situation. What you share is entirely choice, keep it to just blogs and books, or branch out!
This year has been such a whirlwind of emotions, self-reflection, deep ressessment, change and hope for me personally. I started therapy in November and have been going to 3 sessions so far, and it’s been very eye-opening to see how I represent myself in this world, both inwardly and outwardly. Therapy has showed me how to use my words and language carefully, especially with taking responsibility and accountability for my actions. It’s strange because for so long, I’ve buried myself in self-pity, doubt and low confidence, along with moments of anxiety and depression and managing those dark times. My therapist has been wonderful so far, and I hope that she and I continue to form a deep connection to help me progress in my life.
I also got a new job!! Starting next week, I’ll no longer be working in retail anymore; I’ll be working for the North Brunswick Public Library as their new library associate. I’m really excited and happy and relieved, and also nervous lol. I’ve never worked in a library before, but I love learning about books and reading, and sharing books with people, and helping people with whatever information they need. I also love writing, and even though working in a library isn’t quite the same as writing books or short stories or blogging, but it’s another section of myself that I have yet to explore, so I want to tap into that.
With that being said, I am not the best with setting goals because when I do, I feel like the minute I set them, then life throws me back to where I have to reevaluate them. So this year, I’ll set up some in-general goals I hope I reach:

As I’ve gotten a new job working in a library, I’m determined to learn more about the industry and how it works, and how books are sorted, catalogued, analyzed, collection development and more. I’ve researched a few things earlier in 2020 when my state New Jersey was in lockdown, and I found a lot of interesting things about it. It’s not just about sitting behind a desk and reading and putting books away; it’s more about helping the community and providing services and information that can help them evolve and improve. There are some ties to publishing through events certain companies hold throughout the year, but not many librarians have that much hands-on experience on that side. I just hope to learn as much as I can. I also joined the NJLA, which is the New Jersey Library Association, which is the oldest library community in the state. It’s a fun space for NJ librarians to participate in meetings, forums and more.

With that being said, with this new job comes new responsibilities, which means room for possibly me going back to school for my Masters in Library Science. I’ve been researching schools and I don’t know how it’ll be financed, but I hope that with this new job I’ll slowly see if the full MLIS degree is an option too.

Since DnA Publishing Group, my former publishing company kind of fell apart earlier this year, it’s been a struggle to find myself as a writer. I know I have my blog and other writing projects, but there’s still a part of me that has this calling to help other writers, bloggers and creatives get to where they need to be. I guess I haven’t done it yet because I’m afraid it’ll flop like DnA did. Or I’ll have to start stuff over…? I guess I won’t know until I try, right?

I’ve gone out on the road one time this year, as a one-off lesson from my niece, and it wasn’t too scary! I know every year I keep saying I’ll get my permit and learn how to drive so I won’t have to rely on my mom, Lyft or Uber for transportation. And every year, I drop the goal! But since I’ve had one road lesson, and I didn’t crash, maybe just maybe that means I can take and pass the test.
Comment below! What are some of your 2021 goals and plans?

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