Created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons, this event is about bringing the whole book blogging community together, under the umbrella term, “Bookend Events”.
Today’s prompt is hosted by Clo @ Book Dragons (April 15th-17th): Blog’s Life Let’s chat about our blogs. Where did you start with your blogging journey, where’s you’re blog at now and where would you love to see your blog in a year or two? (featuring me being a tease with some of my blog plans for the future)
This feels like a job interview, Clo, damn! lol
But anyway, I started blogging in 2014, so this year made my fifth anniversary. It was under a different name (Poems and Book Reviews of a Young Artist), but I’d changed it to what it is now to save face. I started blogging because I needed an outlet to share my love of books, outside of just Twitter and reading on my own. Then, I started doing interviews with authors and review their books, and I had a fun time! I still have a good time blogging but now, it seems like I’ve fallen out of love with the process.
I talk about it more in my post Have I Fallen out of Love With Blogging?.
Where I would like to see my blog in the future is not definite at this point. I just hope that I keep creating and coming up with posts that are interesting, both to myself and to those who take the time to read. I can’t believe I’m almost up to 50 followers! I remember how excited I was when it reached 10 followers. I’m just grateful to anyone and everyone who stops by to join this squad we’ve created together.
If you have a blog of your own, where were you when you started your journey? Where are you now? Where do you see yourself in the future?