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With me and book releases, I catch up with them later on, when the hype is already down. Back when I was primarily doing book blogging and Bookstagram, I kept up with a lot of upcoming book releases. Now with life, grad school, and family life becoming a priority in life life, it’s getting harder to keep up with new books releases. Most days, I’ll hear about new book releases on Bookstagram (Instagram for book nerds), but to actually read them is a different story.
I also use online book clubs that read upcoming book releases to keep up with those books, as well. And it’s still not enough! I always feel steps behind because my desire for reading upcoming releases has fallen down. My desire for reading has fallen by the wayside because I just haven’t had the desire. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t love reading. I’ll always love reading on my own time. But keeping up with new book releases every year can be a lot to deal with.
Now that I’m halfway through my graduate degree and not taking reading classes anymore for school, it’s finding the desire to read on my own that becomes an issue. You’d think as a book blogger and author in my own right, I’d have more time and desire to read newer books. But the truth is, I don’t. I find out about new books hella late!! ⏰ Not that it’s a race or anything as to when I’ll check out a new book release, but I think I add too much pressure to my ability to read the newest books first to not be irrelevant or outdated.
I don’t really have a solution for this mini-issue I have with not keeping up with new book releases. I just wanted to share my thoughts, to see who else may be struggling.

My debut poetry collection Reality Check is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

Shout-Out to my Patreon Members:
- Wesley Lindsey
- Cave Marie
- IRIDYSCENZIA – welcome, newbie!
Visit https://www.patreon.com/poetrybooksya for more exclusive, creative writing and poetry content! Check out my introductory post on Patreon here. There are a lot of fun posts on there you will enjoy.
Some posts include:
- Earn a free signed copy of my debut poetry book, Reality Check
- View Early Access blog posts before they go on the main website
- I’ll write a poem about you!
- Patreon’s Choice: Suggest topics for me to write about on the blog
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