Authors I’d Like to Write Like // TOP 5 WEDNESDAY (November 2017)

Sam from Thoughts on Tomes has decided to take a hiatus for this summer (June, July, August). Read her note below:

Hello all! I’ve decided to put Top 5 Wednesday on hiatus for the summer (June, July, August). I’ve been going back and forth about this for some time, but I haven’t really been inspired for T5W lately, and I’m hoping a break from hosting and creating topics will breathe some enjoyment back into it for me.

In the meantime, there are YEARS of prompts listed here for you all to explore, complete for the first time if you are new, or revisit again if you’ve done them before in past years so please, still enjoy!

Happy reading xo  

While I am sad that there won’t be any new T5W posts this summer, I’ll be sure to find some topics to talk about that I haven’t discussed in the past. 

For those who don’t know what Top 5 Wednesday is, it’s a weekly book group about our top five favorite things in the middle of the week. 

Created by Lainey from GingerReadsLainey and now hosted by Samantha from ThoughtsonTomes, this week’s entry describes authors I want to write like (November 29, 2017):
November 29th: Authors You’d Want to Write Like
–In honor of NaNo wrapping up, discuss some authors you’d like to write like. Whether it’s their writing style, what genre they write in, or how many books they manage to churn out a year! 

I actually did a topic like this back in November 2017, with different authors, so this time I’ll add in new writers, as well. 

4. Angie Thomas (The Hate U Give) –  She only has had one book out that I’ve read, and as simplistic as her writing is, her book THUG is needed and important for the general public to understand black people’s experiences with police brutality. I also write very simplistically, but I wish I could make a bigger impact like Angie has. 

3. Tomi Adeyemi (Children of Blood and Bone) –  I’m still reading CBB, but Tomi’s writing keeps me engaged in her world, thanks to her captivating writing style. 

2. Daniel Jose Older (Shadowshaper) –  Shadowshaper knew how to fuse both fantasy with realistic female character expectations, all due to Daniel Older’s fantastic writing ability. I usually don’t read urban fantasy blindly, but I enjoyed this read because the descriptors and character development kept me hooked. 

1. Elizabeth Acevedo (The Poet X) –  Mind you, I haven’t finished TPX yet, but I still am in awe of Elizabeth’s writing for her poetry. I used to think that poetry can be a bit static and boring if not written the right way. But Elizabeth manages to tug on my heartstrings with her emotional and racially aware writing. 
Who are some authors you’d like to write like? Comment below!

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