Bookending Winter 2018 Day 25: Merry Christmas Gifts

🎄🎅🤶 Merry Christmas, friends!! 🎄🎅🤶

It’s Day 25 of the Bookending Winter 2018 Event, created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons. For more information on what the Christmas themed event is all about, visit my previous post HERE. 

Amy @ The Little Booknerds in the Corner is hosting from December 25-28. Her prompt of the day is:

Prompt Title: Christmas Gifts

Explanation: As Christmas is a time of giving, list down 5 books you would give to your friend and family this Christmas. 

I’m not good with giving specific gifts because everyone’s taste is different, but these are five books I hope some of my family and/or friends might enjoy. 

5. Because You Love to Hate Me by Amerie and Booktubers –  I’d probably give this to my best friend Kim, who loves Disney. Most of these are Disney villians so she’d be into that. 

4. Black Panther: the Movie Special –  I’d definitely give this to my mother, who has become obsessed with Wakanda and Wakandan fashion since seeing the Black Panther movie earlier this year. Not that the movie wasn’t great; it absolutely was! But if I gave her this book, she’d never stop talking about it. She’d never make me do the chores again. 

3. Roomies by Christina Lauren –  A romantic comedy that my niece would probably like. 

2. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid –  Maybe to my super-independent mother or my sister. 

1. Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis –  I’d like to think my friend Jess would enjoy this disappearance thriller story, also it centers around black characters, which is always a good thing. #DiverseReads #WeNeedDiverseBooks

Which books would you give for Christmas? Comment below!

I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas Day! Merry Christmas!


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