Bookending Winter 2018 Day 23: Christmas Family Photo

Merry Christmas Eve Eve, friends! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…

It’s Day 23 of the Bookending Winter 2018 Event, created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons. For more information on what the Christmas themed event is all about, visit my previous post HERE. 

Today’s host is Sam @ Fictionally Sam from December 22-24. The prompt of the day is:

Sunday 23rd
Prompt Title: The Holiday Photo
Explanation: Characters youโ€™d love to have with you in your christmas card/photo

The Cullens
I think it was Sam @ Fictionally Sam who had included the Cullens from Twilight to be included in her family photo, and I thought it was hysterical, so I thought it would be funny to include them in mine too! Emmett and Jacob would be flexing those muscles; Rose would strike a pose; Alice would be grinning ear to ear; Renesmee would be hiding with Bella because they’re both camera-shy; Edward would hide the both of them, but sneak in a private photo with his wife and baby girl. Carlisle and Esme would stare lovingly into each other’s eyes.

The Mortal Instruments gang
Same rules apply for this band of misfits lol! Jace and Clary staring into each others eyes; Magnus throwing a burst of magic in the air to make the scenery pretty; Alec looking amused at his boyfriend’s magic; Isabelle striking a pose looking glamourous. Luke and Jocelyn off to the side nervous about what would happen next; Maia and Jordan trying not to cringe at their friends. It would be a good time! 

‘Nocturnal Meetings of the Misplaced’ Kids
We’d have to squeeze these kids in for the photo as well, because it would be so much fun to see Silence, Tommy, Annie and Finn gathered together. Plus, Renesmee Cullen could hang out with kids her own age (relatively speaking, because she’d be a 12 year old girl in a 17 year old body…).

Molly from The Upside of Unrequited
Molly Peskin-Suso could hang out in the kids edition of the photo, as well. I think she’s just as camera-shy, so she could have either a solo photo or a photo with her sister Cassie. 

Kiko and Jamie from Starfish
Kiko has severe social anxiety, so it might take a lot of pushing to convince this little one for a group photo. Maybe she could join the quiet subgroup (Molly, Bella, Renesmee, Annie, Maia, Clary) for a simple photo. 

Ok before this family photo explodes, I’ll stop here! Seeya tomorrow!

Who would be in your Christmas family photo? Comment below!

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