How Did You Pick Your Blog’s Name?? // Let’s Talk Bookish

let's talk bookish

Created by Rukky @ Eternity Books & Dani @ Literary Lion, Let’s Talk Bookish is a segment where discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts every Friday. Since April, the segment has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits. Aria also created beautiful, new graphics for the meme.

This week’s prompt: How Did You Pick Your Blog’s Name? (Suggested by Alli @ Alli the Book Giraffe)

Prompts: How did you pick your book blog’s name? Have you ever changed it? Have you ever thought about changing it? What are some of your favorite book blog names?

My blog’s name has an interesting trajectory to it. When I had first started blogging, my blog name was originally “Poems and Book Reviews of a Young Artist” because I wanted to combine all of my favorite things — poetry, books, and YA. Also because I was around 21 years old at the time, I wanted to add a youthful perspective on blogging, in general. But maybe 2 years later, it got harder to say my blog’s name because it was so long. Then I shortened it to what it is now, “PoetryBooksYA”!

I thought about changing my blog name again to just my name, or my nickname Dani, but I don’t want to anymore. I’m so used to this PoetryBooksYA name that it just stuck with me for a long time. Everyone knows that I have it, and that’s my blog name. It’s weird and doesn’t make much sense outside of the literary world, but at least it’s unique and stands out.

My favorite blog names are:

Kristina @ Books and Dachshunds

Sophie @ Beware of the Reader

Briana and Krysta @ Pages Unbound

Sam @ Fictionally Sam

Your Turn: Where does your blog name come from? Would you change it if you could?

My debut poetry novel collection Reality Check is available now! Buy on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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4 Responses

  1. I love this! And the love for poetry, which I don’t necessarily see a lot of online.

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