What Are You Tired Of? // A #WriteHere Prompt

Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

It’s been awhile (4 months!) since I’ve written on Medium, so I thought I’d come back with a #WriteHere prompt. I wrote a personal poem about being tired of…everything! on Medium.

Your job? Your kids? Your neighbors? The pandemic? These Write Here writing prompts? Yourself? Tell us about it and share how you’re pushing through. Tag “Writehere.”

~Read more on Medium~

Comment below: What is something you’re tired of?

My debut poetry novel collection Reality Check is available now! Buy on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Shout-Out to my Patreon Members:

  • Wesley Lindsey
  • Cave Marie

Visit https://www.patreon.com/poetrybooksya for more exclusive, creative writing and poetry content! Check out my introductory post on Patreon here. There are a lot of fun posts on there you will enjoy.

Some posts include:

  • Earn a free signed copy of my debut poetry book, Reality Check
  • View Early Access blog posts before they go on the main website
  • I’ll write a poem about you!
  • Patreon’s Choice: Suggest topics for me to write about on the blog

Don’t want to support monthly? Check out my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/poetrybooksya

Thanks for reading,


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