A Day in the Life of a Grad Student // Library School Edition ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽ“โœ๏ธ

A day in the life of a grad student. I thought itโ€™d be cool to share how my day goes as a library and information science grad student!

Weekly Schedule:

  • 9 am: breakfast
  • 10 am: work
  • 1 pm: school – classes for the day
  • 2 pm: walking and/or yoga
  • 3 pm: lunch
  • 4 pm: more school
  • 8 pm: Netflix show: Suits season 4!

I’m a night owl, so getting up early for work is still a challenge for me! My work is mostly task-based, so if I have a task to fulfill, I’ll do that for the day up until mid-afternoon. Most tasks consist of scheduling meetings, taking notes during meetings, writing website reviews, and using Microsoft Sharepoint. I’d never used Sharepoint before this job, so it’s still an adjustment.

day in the life

And then after work, I go on Canvas (my school’s learning management system) to check up on schoolwork. I’m taking two classes this semester: Transformative Transformative Library Leadership, and Reading Interests of Adults.

The leadership one is more of a general look at leadership and looking at it through a library perspective. And there’s 2 group projects, which is fun. I won’t have to do all the work! We’re learning about what makes a good leader and not just a manager, and different styles of leadership, etc. It’s over zoom Monday nights, so I have to rush from working on work stuff to do school stuff. I think what makes this process different is because I get to see faces every week.

The other class, Adult Reading, is really fun! We get to talk about reading and the history of reading, and how we as librarians (for me, to-be) can utlilize these skills to help our patrons/communities. And our professor is really sweet, very soft-spoken (I think he’s LGBT+ but not sure what specific community.) He was recommended to me by my advisor, who’s also an LGBT+/non-binary librarian. It’s so cool to see other queer librarians in this space!ย ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ โšง๏ธ

day in the life

Last week, I locked myself in my office/room to work all day on this paper for Adult Reading class that was due the same day ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Mid-afternoon, I’ll go on walks to get some fresh air. I’m a huge homebody, but working and school at home can be a lot, mentally. So that’s when I’ll go outside and touch some grass!

day in the life
day in the life

The local park in my neighborhood

After my afternoon walk, Iโ€™ll continue working until itโ€™s time for lunch.

day in the life

Jamaican rice & peas, cornish hen, stuffing, and cabbage. Courtesy of my personal chef, aka my mom โค๏ธ

And then Iโ€™ll keep on going with school until itโ€™s time for dinner.

After all of that work, Iโ€™ll chill for the rest of the night. To be honest, I donโ€™t turn on my computer until the next day to give my eyes and brain a break. ๐Ÿง 

Hope you enjoyed my day-in-the-life!

My debut poetry collection Reality Check is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

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  • Wesley Lindsey

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Thanks for reading,


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2 Responses

  1. Joseph says:

    Interesting dayโ€™s activities and well written. Writing is your stick.

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