Created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons, this event is about bringing the whole book blogging community together, under the umbrella term, “Bookend Events”.
Today’s prompt is hosted by Michelle @ Michelle Likes Things (April 18th-21st): Your house is burning down, quick! Save 5 books! But which?: Basically a list of 5 books that mean a lot to me and which I would definitely save. (also yay for me torturing myself by picking just 5 books)
The Hate U Give – Even though I didn’t love this book like everyone else did, I still enjoyed the reading, to the point of where I would save it from a burning building.
Anomaly by Tonya Kuper – This was the first book I reviewed “professionally” on my blog, also the first book that catapulted my friendship with the author, Tonya Kuper. She’s my absolute favorite, and it would destroy me if I were to lose her debut novel in a fire.
Mortal Instruments series – I know this is unrealistic as hell, but if I could, I would try my best to save the Shadowhunters series. At least the first 3 books, because they’re the lightest to hold. City of Lost Souls and Heavenly Fire are too heavy!
Twilight Saga – If my arms weren’t dying from lack of circulation yet, I’d squeeze in my Twilight Saga collection. And if my backpack were too full, I’d stuff in at least the Twilight and New Moon movie companions, the paperback and hardcover versions of Book 1, and my hardcover Breaking Dawn book. New Moon and Eclipse can burn, I don’t really care for them, sorrynotsorry.
My Ipad & charger – And if worse comes to worse, if everything burned to the ground, I’d try to save at least my iPad and charger, because of my Kindle app. Most of the books I have can be re-downloaded and/or bought, so as long as I have that, I’ll be okay.
Which books would you save from a burning building? Comment below!