Created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons, this event is about bringing the whole book blogging community together, under the umbrella term, “Bookend Events”.
Today’s prompt is hosted by Haley @ The Caffeinated Reader (April 22nd-24th): Bookish Resources: Besides going into the library and grabbing a book off the shelf, what else can you do? Let’s look at the different program and bookish resources there are!
Scribd subscription service – I mostly use subscription services to read my books, as well as the library. But what I’ve recently been drawn to is using Scribd, which is a collection of ebooks, magazines, sheet music (for musicians), PDFs, graphic novels and more, all for $8.99 a month. I was introduced to this from one of my friends, who also uses it frequently. There’s not much to it, but that’s why I like the service; its simplicity and accessibility.
If you haven’t tried Scribd and want to, you can use my code to get your first 2 months free:
Overdrive – This is technically the use of the library, but it’s more online than in person. Overdrive allows you to borrow 5 ebooks or audiobooks at once, within the connection of your local library’s system. Although it’s not my favorite way of resource, because they make you wait weeks, sometimes months, to check out a copy, and put you on a long waiting list when you want a particular book right away. It’s kinda annoying!! But in general, Overdrive is a good service.
Booktube – I follow a lot of booktubers on Youtube, such as Christine @ polandbananasbooks, Kat @ Katytastic, Christina Marie, Emma @ EmmmaBooks, Lauren @ TheNovelLush, and Jesse @ JesseTheReader. I mostly get book recs from them, and they’re really helpful in what kinds of books I want to check out and add to my TBR list.
For more writing resources, visit my post that I did last April: https://poetrybooksya.com/2018/04/discussion-favorite-writing-resources-and-websites.html
What are some good bookish resources you use? Comment below!
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