Bookending Winter 2018 Day 8: Warming up the Winter!

It’s Day eight of the Bookending Winter 2018 Event, created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons. For more information on what the Christmas themed event is all about, visit my previous post HERE.

Today’s host is Lauren @ Northern Plunder from December 8-10. The prompt of the day is:

Prompt title: Warming your winter! | Explanation: A look at some bloggers I’ve been reading this year, reflecting on friendships and good blog posts.

Some of these bloggers I know but I’m not necessarily friends with, but I still am super friendly with them on the blogosphere. 

Sam @ Fictionally Sam –  Ok to be honest, I’ve only just gotten to know Sam because she’s been commenting on my daily blog posts for Bookending Winter, but her comments make me smile everytime! So she’s going into my Honorable Mentions spot! Also, I like reading her discussion posts on her blog, especially her latest on Cancel Culture. Sam seems to have it all and she’s awesome! 

Clo @ Book Dragons –  Clo aka Chloe is my best friend in my head lol. She’s so funny, so sweet, she even made my review stars that I’ve started to use. Her blog is so creative and will have you reading for days. 

Sophia @ Bookwyming Thoughts –  Sophia is another one of my New Blogger friends from the Discord group chat. I haven’t caught up with her blog recently, but I like her Fandom Fridays segment which wraps up the current events in fandom. 

Amber @ The Literary Phoenix –  Amber is kinda a veteran in the blogging game; her discussion posts and her reviews keep me interested and I always learn something new from her posts. 
Ankita Singh (blogger/author) –  I don’t think Ankita has a blog of her own, but she’s an indie author in India, and we got to talking online when she sent me a copy of her poetry book, Scattered Constellations. We chat every now and then; she’s a sweetheart who writes very well for her age. 

Who are some bloggers you’ve created friendships/acquaintanceships with in 2018? Comment below!

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