Bookending Winter 2018 Day 30: Forget Christmas, It’s Time to Steal the New Year!

It’s Day 30 of the Bookending Winter 2018 Event, created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons. For more information on what the Christmas themed event is all about, visit my previous post HERE. 

My good buddy Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts is hosting this week, from December 29-31, the last week of this winter event. Her prompt of the day is:

Prompt Title: Forget Christmas, It’s Time to Steal the New Year
Explanation: Villains don’t steal Christmas, they steal the New Year. Tell us about the villains you’d recruit for the New Year, or any other villain and new year combination.

Valentine from Mortal Instruments –  I’d recruit him because we all need a bit of political, conniving twisted-ness in our lives. 

Mrs. Richardson from Little Fires Everywhere –  Here’s another one who doesn’t do a lot but her thoughts while reading the book are full of sheer bigotry and ignorance towards situations she doesn’t understand or take into account. Especially people who are different from her style of living. 

President Snow from The Hunger Games –  Snow and Valentine would get along famously because they both believe in world domination by eradicating one person after another. Not unlike a President we all know…. I believe he’d enjoy Mrs. Richardson’s company too, but only at a surface-level. She doesn’t share the same political aspects as both previous villains do. 

I tried to make a post without mentioning Harry Potter or Twilight characters, and I did it!! Yay!! lol 

Thanks for reading!

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