Bookending Winter 2018 Day 2: Dear Santa…

It’s Day two of the Bookending Winter 2018 Event, created by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons. For more information on what the Christmas themed event is all about, visit my previous post HERE.

Today’s host is Anthony @ KeepReadingForward from December 1-3. The first prompt for today is:

Prompt Title: Dear Santa… | Explanation: Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year and all I want for Christmas this year are books….

 Every year for Christmas, it is almost a tradition for Children around the world to write Letters for Santa or a Christmas List to send to the North Pole. They promise Santa that they been a good child this year and share what they would like to find in their presents underneath their Christmas Tree. Today, we are all writing that letter, asking for books! You can write out an actual letter, or just simply state which books you are hoping to receive this year.

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is a new Kindle Fire HD so I can read all of the books I want. I would get an iPad, but my Amazon account calls for a new Kindle, a device where I can have access to all the books I want to read within the palm of my hands. 

But since you asked, here are a few books I’d like to read right away:

  • I’m Judging You by Luvvie Ajayi
  • A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews
  • Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann

These books represent the realities of people within these characters in which the authors write about. They could mean the absolute world to someone and as a black woman growing up in America, I love seeing characters with similar faces like mine. I could buy them myself, but I want you to do it because it would mean that much more to me than buying myself a present. Especially when I know you’re not real. 

Hope you, Mrs. Claus and the elves have a great Christmas,

What would your Dear Santa letter sound like? Comment below!

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