Un-Christmas Music // BOOKENDING WINTER 2019 DAY 11

Hey guys! I’m back for my last hosting day of Bookending Winter 2019 from December 9-11. If this is your first time hearing about this lovely event, go to my official post HERE.
If you missed my first two discussion posts yesterday and the day before — Polar Express and Christmas Changes — you can visit my posts there.
It’s been so great seeing your blog responses to my prompts this week. It’s so cool to see such various answers to these general questions. I know they’re not book related because I’m trying to step outside of my comfort zone and ask bigger questions. But I’m glad to see some people are appreciative of my questions. 
My third and last prompt is:
Wednesday 11th December    
Prompt Title: Un-Christmas Music
Prompt Explanation: What are some of your favorite songs that remind you of the Christmas season, that aren’t Christmas songs?

This one is a bit of a tricky one that had come up my sleeve when I first came up with the idea. But here are some songs I can think of that aren’t Christmas-y but still give off the same warm, cozy, winter feeling.

Lover – Taylor Swift – I know the first lyric is “We can leave the Christmas lights up till January”, but who doesn’t do that nowadays? But anyway, this song is so romantic and has us believe in love, light and hope. Especially with being in true love for the first time. 

October – Alessia Cara –  This one is a bit of a sad song, but I like the nostalgic lyrics and homey, acoustic production of the song. And Alessia’s voice is so vulnerable and sweet as always.

Hello, I’m Right Here – Tegan & Sara –  Here’s another sad song about loss — whether through death, falling out or maybe a breakup. There’s a sense of unknowing in the lyrics, too. I guess this could be played during a snowstorm or when the snow is falling slowly while you’re drinking a hot drink. 

Awake (Christmas version) – BTS Jin –  I was caught between adding either this track or Epiphany because Jin’s voice is so soothing and gentle and it never gets the right amount of praise. Awake’s Christmas version is even more uplifting because it gives you a sense of hope. 

Euphoria (Christmas version) – BTS Jungkook –  Euphoria by the Golden Maknae is already a happy, joyful song, so when you add a joyous Christmas melody on top of it, it’s sensational. 

What are some un-Christmas songs that you love during the season? Comment below!


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