It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Bookending Winter 2019!!
I’m briefly coming out of my blogging hiatus to announce this year’s Bookending Winter 2019.
Hosted by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons, Bookending Winter is a book blogging quarterly event that is a part of Bookend Events, which happens during the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. I have hosted during the Autumn event this past October, so this will be my second time hosting this year, which I’m very excited about!

I’ll be the fourth host on December 9-11, with my prompts:
Prompt Explanation: I love watching The Polar Express movie during Christmas time. The main character boy rediscovers his love for Santa Claus and the holiday after a wild journey far from home in one night. Describe a book or experience you’ve had this year that made you rediscover your love for the genre after reading it.