MY FIRST BLOG TAG!! | Q&A/ Nominations for 2017 Liebster Awards

Well, this is a lovely surprise from my new friend and name-twin, Dani @ Perspective of a Writer. She has nominated me for the 2017 Liebster Awards:

“Liebster” is a German word meaning beloved or dearest. And The Liebster Award is to ‘be love’ bloggers, new and old! It’s a fun way to get your favorite bloggers to share things about the blogger behind the blog and promote them to your readers.

This would be my first Q&A book blogger tag, so I feel honored that Dani has nominated me to answer her questions.

The rules that apply are as follows:

  1. Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you. (That’s me!)
  2. Answer the 11 questions.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers for the same award in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family.
  4. Ask them 11 questions that you are dying for the answers to!

My Q&A from Dani:

Name 6 types of characters you love most? (i.e. like genre but for characters, my examples: witty females, hot beta males, nerdy love interests, pirates, supportive best friends and orphans. If you can group them and love them, name them!)

I like nerdy love interests, supportive best friends, the Chosen One, the unlikely hero/heroine, vampires, and wizards!

What favorite movie or television show do you wish would be turned into a YA series? Complete with properly aged protagonists, and YA tropes… Anything goes!

Most of my favorite book series have become movies or shows already lol. I’d have to say Discovering April by Sheena Hutchinson would be a good YA contemporary movie. Not a cheesy Hallmark/Lifetime type of thing, but a legit Hollywood movie. Emma Stone would be the titular character, April, but she’d have to dye her hair blonde again, but with pink tips. Robbie Amell (you might recognize him from The DUFF) would be a good and funny Jared. Also, he’d have to get tatted up on his torso, which would not be so bad at all! 😉

Have you experienced a genre that you thought you hated but fell in love with? What book won you over?

I don’t normally read outside of my comfort zone, which is YA contemporary/romance/fantasy/series, but I read Ingrid Seymour’s Ignite the Shadows first book, which is a sci-fi series about a computer hacking team in Seattle. I read it back in 2015, and it changed my mind about how sci-fi is emotionless and wild and crazy, but reading Ignite made me think twice about it.

If you were captured by fairies and they turned you into any animal but you had to remain that animal for the rest of your life… which would it be (real or fictional animals are good…)?

What an odd question, Dani lol. I hope I’d turn into a black panther. They’re so calm and you never know when they’ll strike, but that’s the best part about them!

If you could teleport to any city in the world which would it be? If you had to make your way home on you own would it still be the same city?

I’d love to teleport to France, or Italy, or Africa. The culture, the people, the environment of all three places, I’d never want to leave. I’m pretty sure that if I had to make my way back home, it’d be the same. I live in a small town in New Jersey, and nothing much changes.

If a band were to be featured in a fictional story, which would you want it to be and why?

PARAMORE!!!!!!! Well, technically, they’ve already been featured on the Twilight soundtrack, but if they could do it again, I’d love for them to be apart of Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall. The band have music now that is based on depression, anxiety, insecurities under fun, 80s synth rock music, and that whole vibe sounds like what Under Rose-Tainted Skies sounds like. I’ve never read the book to be sure, though. Plus, Paramore have a song called Rose-Colored Boy! Rose-Colored Skies? Rose-Colored Boy, get it? Get it?! Ok I’ll stop now lol.

Favorite book universe and why? (Is it the friends you would have, the world you would live in or the abilities/circumstances you would be in?)

The Twilight fandom, as messed up and divided as it is now, I’ve made some of my closest friends because of our love for the books, movies, Kristen Stewart, and Robert Pattinson. I also wouldn’t have my other blog, ParamoreRKLife, if it weren’t from the encouragement from my friends there.

If your sibling turned into a dragon and insisted on staying by your side forever would you want it to retain your sibling’s personality? If not what would you want the dragon to be like?

I don’t usually talk to my older sister like that anyway, but if she were a dragon, I’d stay as far away as possible! She’s cool now, but she can be hella intense when she doesn’t get her way. I wouldn’t want her to blow me up with fire!

What book describes you best? (Is it a particular character, the cover or the story?)

I just finished reading Starfish by Akemi Rose Bowman, and I relate the most to the main character Kiko, because she has anxiety and is insecure about what she wants to do with her life as an artist. She eventually figures it out by the end of the novel, but her fear of basically living her life is something I heavily relate to.

If you had a magic tin that refilled with any non-perishable food which would you want it to be filled with?

Doritos!! It’s the first thing that popped into my head, but I’d eat those everyday. I don’t know if they’re non-perishable though.

If you wrote a book, what would it be about? (i.e. the premise, type of characters, world?)

I’m writing this short story project with my friend Angela for NANOWRIMO, and it’s about how competing with yourself brings out your greatest desire. We’ve been planning it for a few weeks, but I think doing this Nano will help push us to get pen to paper, so to speak.

My Questions

1. Do you read audiobooks? How are they different than Kindle or physical books?
2. If you could change one thing about your writing style on your blog or social platform, what would it be?
3. Do you collab with other bloggers/writers? Who has been your favorite?
4. How do you balance work, school, and blogging together?
5. What’s your favorite read of 2017, and why?
6. Does anyone else outside of your blogging world know about your work? What do they think of it? Are they subscribed to it?
7. Do you participate in Booktube or Bookstagram, as well? How is the environment different than blogging?
8. Do you reread books? Which has been your favorite?
9. Random questions… What’s your favorite color? 
10. Who’s your favorite person? Not celebrity, but a person lol.
11. Do you have pets? How many?

My Nominations

Taylor from  Stay on the Page

Sarah from Sarah Says Read

Chloe Alice Lily –

Erica from Erica Robyn Reads

Kirra from TheBookishKirra

CeeArr from CeeArrBookNerd

Nominating some of my non-blogger friends lol. 

Brizette from @whereitrains 

Jess from @Jess4_RK

Jen from @jenannrodrigues 

Ingrid Seymour from @Ingrid_seymour (she has a newsletter, maybe she can participate there?)

Beth from @sabriel25 – perpetualnewgirl

Thank you a million times to both Dani @ Perspective of a Writer for nominating me, and Lorraine @ Wording Well for creating this lovely, awesome award “show”. It’s nice to see some love and appreciation for book bloggers!

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Thanks for reading! 🙂 ♥

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