#BOOKBLOGGERHOP (APRIL 6-12): How I Work on My Reviews and Review Deadlines

This week’s question is about reviews and making decisions regarding review deadlines. 

About the Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the meme on February 15, 2013. 

Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews:
Do you overextend yourself with too many reviews because you can’t pass up a book in hopes you will get them all done or do you carefully plan and be sure you can fulfill the deadlines for all the promised reviews?

My Answer:
I don’t review as much anymore, I mostly read as much as I can per day and review when I have all of my notes and thoughts together. So, you could say, yes that I plan my reviews out, but I don’t have deadlines for them. I go by how I’m feeling about the review.

So for example, the way I’d set up my previous review for The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon, I waited weeks to borrow the ebook from Overdrive, took maybe 3-4 weeks to read it, in between home and work, then took notes and highlighted passages while I’d read. Then, when I was done, I went over my notes again and wrote the review, and posted it when I felt it was done. I don’t have personal deadlines for my reviews because it sets up too much pressure for myself, and I don’t want to do that. If anything, I’ll try to read at a steady pacing, given that it’s an Overdrive “library” book. 

I ask this question back to you. How do you sort out your reviews and their deadlines? Comment below!


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