Sick Media: Books, Shows, Movies I Watched During Self-Isolation
Update (7/14/2022): I’m now fully healed from Covid!! I still have lingering symptoms, but I’m not as sick as I was when I first got tested....
Update (7/14/2022): I’m now fully healed from Covid!! I still have lingering symptoms, but I’m not as sick as I was when I first got tested....
Poetry is like cooking; novel writing is like baking. Boshra Rasti Boshra Rasti is a poet and indie author of the book, the Surrogate Colony series....
My debut poetry novel, Reality Check, published yesterday on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and I’m still excited about it!
Since it’s National Library Week this year (April 3-9), it’s time to celebrate our librarians, and how important they are to the world. I wrote a...
Here’s another review of a book that I finished at 3 am. Nicola Yoon really knows how to pull on my heartstrings!
I very rarely put DNF reviews and negative reviews on the blog here, because I always want my website to remain a positive space. But The...
Called the 2022 Book Blog Discussion Challenge, is hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight. The main goal...
Happy New Year, PoetryBooksYA fam! Hope your new year has been going well so far. What are your goals for the new year? Have you reached...
I haven’t done these in a very long time, so here is my entire list of books I read in 2021, one-sentence review style. Some reviews...
Now that Christmas is over, it’s time to focus on the New Year, and what we want to bring into 2022. Can you imagine what 2022...