Happy New Year, PoetryBooksYA fam! Hope your new year has been going well so far. What are your goals for the new year? Have you reached them yet?
First thing’s first, it will be another 4 months until my debut poetry book, Reality Check comes out: April 14, 2022!! I’m so excited to share what 2 years worth of work has brought.
You can pre-order Reality Check on:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QH9FGCQ/ref=nodl_?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420
Barnes & Noble: Reality Check by Danielle Pitter, Margherita Buzzi, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)

I’m doing a social media lead-up to the cover reveal and official book release so be on the lookout for my social media for more.
Also, check out my writing process and design process for my book in the links below:
Writing Process: https://poetrybooksya.com/2021/09/reality-check-writing-process-im-writing-a-poetry-novel.html
Design Process: https://poetrybooksya.com/2021/10/reality-check-design-process-im-writing-a-poetry-novel.html
Thanks for reading,

Excited for your release!
Thank you!!
Congrats! What was the inspiration behind your poetry? 💚
Thank you! I saw your other comment about my inspiration. Appreciate those too 😉