Happy 9th anniversary, Poetry Books YA! 🎉💕
March 16 was this blog’s 9th blogiversary, which is my blog’s anniversary. It’s all so surreal because March 14 was my 30th birthday 🥳. So many anniversaries, birthdays, so many memories!
With this blog, I remember being so nervous to write anything, really. I knew I loved books, but I didn’t know (still don’t!) what my voice is. Like, what do I want to say? What’s my sound like?
And what’s my ✨brand ✨? Will people care? Would I have no one understand my words? Would it be worth it?
From name changes, platform changes, publishing my own poetry book, setting up my first book blog tour, grad school, gaining a scholarship, creating a Patreon page…it’s been a wild ride! And I’m just getting started!
What will year 10 be like?
I said on my Patreon page a few days ago that I sensed a change coming, and I still do. But I also feel uneasy about those changes. Like…what kind of changes? How will I know if I’m ready for them?
But back to the blog!! I’m so grateful for all of the times we’ve shared, all of the best moments, the hard times, blood, sweat and tears 😠(word to BTS 💜)
On to the next 9 years!

My debut poetry novel collection Reality Check is available now! Buy on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Patreon Shout-Outs
Fara Joseph – welcome to the patreon squad!
John Reid – welcome back!
If you liked this post, consider joining my Patreon!
Visit https://www.patreon.com/poetrybooksya for more exclusive, creative writing and poetry content! Check out my introductory post on Patreon here. There are a lot of fun posts on there you will enjoy.
Some posts include:
- Earn a free signed copy of my debut poetry book, Reality Check
- Blog posts that don’t make the main website
- I’ll write a poem about you!
- Choose topics for me to write about on the blog
Don’t want to support monthly? Check out my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/poetrybooksya
Thanks for reading,