Happy 1st anniversary to my first poetry book!

As a special treat, my ebook is available for free on Amazon for a week, as part of their Free Book Promotion: https://a.co/d/9b8Rzm3
One year ago, I published my first poetry book called Reality Check.
This little 36-page collection has taken me on a journey that I didn’t see possible.
From writing it during the pandemic,
finding an editor,
interior designer,
cover artist,
setting up my Amazon Author page,
creating my cover reveal video,
starting my blog book tour,
making my bookmark business cards,
participating in my first author panel with a library!
So many blessings came from something I didn’t think many people would be interested in.
All I can say now is thank you. To everyone who has bought a copy, shared with friends and family, and told me how amazing it is, thank you so much!!!!!!
Happy 1st anniversary, Reality Check.
My debut poetry novel collection Reality Check is available now! Buy on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Patreon Shout-Outs
Wesley Lindsey – welcome to the Patreon family!
Fara Joseph
John Reid
If you liked this post, consider joining my Patreon!
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Some posts include:
- Earn a free signed copy of my debut poetry book, Reality Check
- View Early Access blog posts before they go on the main website
- I’ll write a poem about you!
- Patreon’s Choice: Suggest topics for me to write about on the blog
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Thanks for reading,