#IHEARTCHARACTERSMEME: Meadow from ‘Unreality’ is Plagued by Ghosts

My new friend and name-twin, Dani from Perspective of a Writer, has created a new weekly meme to share our favorite characters. 

I Heart Characters! is a weekly meme hosted by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer to showcase our book blogger love for characters! Each week she’ll supply a topic and you’ll supply the character. Post on whatever day suits you, about characters from whatever media you love (books, movies, K-dramas, television, manga, anime, webtoons, whatever!) and link up on Thursday so YOU and others can blog hop and share the character love. ♡

This week’s topic: Plagued by Ghosts – (A character who IS a ghost or can see and/or interacts with the spiritual realm.)

Meadow from Unreality of the Marked by Fate Anthology Collection, by Ingrid Seymour. I reviewed this book last year. She didn’t see ghosts, per se, but she went into visions that gave her powers to see people from the past. The story itself wasn’t all that great, but Meadow’s psychic abilities gave her the powers to look back on events for mysteries. It’s a little hard to explain if you haven’t read the story, but basically when she got into her visions, she would find context clues, what she called ‘bygones’. It was interesting how Meadow underestimated her abilities until she needed to use them; especially when her uncle and father were so against her using them. Her best friend Nicolas was the only one who truly believed in her. 
What character did you pick for this week’s IHeart Characters Meme? Add your thoughts in the comments section below!


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