#T5W TOP 5 WEDNESDAY: Future Classics

I know I haven’t blogged for awhile; I needed a few days rest after such a hectic 40-hour work week, but I’m back for more book fun today! 

For those who don’t know what Top 5 Wednesday is, it’s a weekly book group about our top five favorite things in the middle of the week. 

Created by Lainey from GingerReadsLainey and now hosted by Samantha from ThoughtsonTomes, this week’s entry describes our top 5 favorite fandom items. 

This week’s topic: Future Classics

July 11th: Future Classics–What books do you think with stand the test of time? 

4. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi (immediate classic) –  If your debut novel is already in the midst of being optioned for a movie before debuting, then that’s an immediate classic right there! 

3. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (cult classic) –  I STILL haven’t finished this, but from what I’ve read, I love it but I don’t think it’ll be those books that will gravitate everyone right away. It’ll be one of those novels that will have a slow build audience and increase over time. 

2. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (cult classic) –  Say what you want, but I’d like to consider Twilight a cult classic, if not a classic already. As simple and basic as the storyline is, as watered down as the supernatural fantasy is, it got us reading! It got us liking vampires again. It swept the nation for weeks on end, created 5 successful movie franchises, a Twilight Forever day, a Forks Day in the real-life tiny-town of Forks, WA, made Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson household names in movies and pop culture. I could go on and on on how important these books are to me, and many of their fans, their Twihards! It wasn’t a success overnight, but this just shows that it’s one of those series that has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. 

1. Harry Potter by JK Rowling (classic!) –  If this isn’t a classic already, I don’t know what is. Potter has been in pretty much all of our lives since before we were born. And it also has stood the test of time. 7 enchanting books, 8 successful movies, three child to young adult actors who are each lucrative in their own elements: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. The series now has its own website, game site, a whole theme park. It needs to be a classic forever. 

What are some books you consider cult classics? Comment below!

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