Books I’m Avoiding Altogether (Not just on my TBR) // TOP TEN TUESDAY DISCUSSION

Hey, what’s up, how are you doing?! I’m back again! Am I back? I don’t even know. 

No, really, I have no idea what I want to do with this blog or what I want to talk about. I thought I wanted to talk about books, but that’s too general of a topic. I could keep making excuses for you guys as to where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. I could make empty promises saying that I could attempt to create interesting content. But I don’t want to lie anymore. I don’t want to pretend everything with me is fine, but I don’t want to burden you guys with my problems. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this unsure about my blogging journey in a while. But it’s thanks to your encouragement and sweet messages and comments that keep me going. Or at least get me to answer back.

This post is generally a prompt for Top Ten Tuesday hosted by Jana @ The Artsy Reader Girl, but I want to talk about me avoiding reading altogether. I know it’s impossible for me to stop reading, but it feels like everytime I pick up a new book, I read like 2-3 chapters, then move on to something else. Or I make it to 50-60% and take a long pause. What is wrong with me???

These are some of the books that have been on my TBR forever, waiting for me to at least approach their existence.

A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer –  I’ve been reading this one on and off all year. I got it free from a subscription box, and I was so excited to read a Beauty and the Beast retelling….until I’d started reading. It’s not that it’s a bad book, it’s a bit difficult to root for the characters and the storyline, given how miserable everything is. I’ll come back to this eventually, especially before the sequel next year, but I’m still avoiding this right now. 

Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman –  Anyone who knows me knows how much I loved Akemi’s debut Starfish in 2017. But I’ve been avoiding reading her sophomore novel for some time now. I remember it has themes of death and suicide, and I need to be in a proper mindset to get into this one; I haven’t seemed to be in the mood as of late. 

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern –  Another one I’ve been reading on and off from. It started with a buddy read with my friend, but she’d finished it before I did, and I just never picked it back up. 

Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo – I’m actually in the beginning stages of reading Six of Crows, and it’s alright so far. I’m not avoiding it per se, but more like waiting for the right moment to get back into it. 

A Court of Thorns & Roses/Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas –  My best friend Kim brought this series back into my mindframe when she’d texted me that she’d finished Throne of Glass. I’m still avoiding SJM books in general because I don’t want to be disappointed, plus I think she’s a tiny bit overrated. (SJM stans don’t come for me in the comments, please. I’m just stating my opinion.)

A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.E. Drews –  This is a bit of an oldie, but still an emotional one I’ve been avoiding because emotional books tend to put me in a state. Not depression, but more like overthinking of my own self and where I am in life. Basically, I’m not ready to be called out on my own BS lol!! 

What are some books you’re avoiding on your TBR, or just in general? Comment below!


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