DISCUSSION: My Half-Year 2018 Reading Challenge TBR Jar

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Since I’ve become so terrible with keeping up with my overflowing TBR list for the year, I’ve decided to create a reading challenge TBR Jar. Thanks to Vivatramp for the 100 Book Blog Post Ideas, this jar will be used for me to decide the descriptions of books I want to read for the month. I realize I should have created this earlier in the year, but seeing as though the idea just came to me, we’ll just go with it! Just go with it and see what happens! 

Creating this jar was a lot of fun! Since I haven’t used colored paper since middle school, I used another method to gather all the prompts together. I used the Fill Paper function in Word 2013 to create individual colored pages, printed them out and cut them into strips to be placed in a bowl. I didn’t have a jar, so I used this pretty, red bowl. 

These were the prompts I used for the TBR jar:

a translation 

an underhyped read 

a book that reminds you of home 

a book from someone else’s shelves 

your favourite book

a library book 

the book that makes you laugh the most

the book that makes you cry the most 

a classic 

a modern classic

a book you want to hand down to someone 

a book you got as a gift 

a charity shop purchase

a childhood favourite

a book you pretend you’ve read 

a book over 500 pages 

a novella 

a book you bought for study but never read

a book someone else picks out for you 

a book with a cover in your favourite colour


a recent purchase 

a book you bought due to a book blogger or booktuber

a book from your favourite genre

a book from a genre you haven’t really explored yet 

a book with a beautiful spine

a book that has a movie adaptation

a book that reminds you of a song

a book with the ugliest cover you own 

a book with the oldest publication date 


a book that features illustrations or pictures

A book that you believe should be on the curriculum

a book set the most locally to you 

a book you can’t remember much about 

a book with a colour in the title 

a book with a strong female lead 

a hardcover 

a collection of stories 

a book you’ve started but not finished 

My first draw was “Your Favorite Book”, which was unexpected to be honest. But I am looking forward to a re-read, so I’ll re-visit Kiko and Jamie in Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman

I’ll include updates on this project in my Monthly Wrap-Ups at the end of the month so you guys can see how I’m doing. 

Have you ever created a Reading Challenge TBR Jar? Leave comments below!


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