Happy Bookending Autumn 2019, hosted by Sam @ FictionallySam and Clo @ BookDragons!! If you don’t know what this event is, or you need a refresher, visit my last post HERE.
Jamsu @ Jamsu Dreams is the host for a few days, and her prompt for today is:
Garden of Evil
Pick a villain and talk about what you love about him/ her. You can talk about why you liked them more as a bad guy than as a good guy.

Not only is Maleficent such an interesting character, but she also has such an enchanting backstory of where she came from. She’s a descendant of faeries! She’s powerful, resourceful, cunning, and determined. Maleficent initially used Princess Aurora as a pawn to get back at the King for taking her wings away, but as she got to know Aurora as a person, she grew to love her. Even after casting the spell against true love, her friendship with Aurora was what saved her life.
Talk about character development!!
Gifs by: actualsuperherobobnewby
Who is your favorite villain? Comment below!