Hey, guys! I decided to do something fun this week and join the tier-ranking bandwagon by ranking my favorite Twilight Saga characters, using TierMaker.com.
Here are the tiers: I’d take a bullet for you, alright I see you, oh okay, um okay…, and get the f*ck out. I can already see what characters will be on this list.
Sam Uley – I didn’t really care for his character very much. New Moon and Eclipse, he did get on my nerves, but not so much for me to care, so he goes in the ‘um…okay‘ tier.
Jane from the Volturi – Jane is one of the best villains in the saga. Her power of painful illusion is most fascinating. I wouldn’t want to mess with her! I see you, girl!
Aro from the Volturi – Mr. Rat-face himself goes straight into the GTFO territory. SorryNotSorry.
James – He goes into that territory too!
Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard version) – She was another interesting villain. She used her avoidance tactics to avenge an entire newborn army just to fight and kill one human girl!! She did the absolute most, but that’s what makes her good.
Laurent – He was another one I didn’t care about. He did have a redeemable moment in the first movie, when he dropped out of James’ group to warn the Cullens about him, but he almost killed Bella in New Moon, so he had to go.
Leah Clearwater, Renee Dwyer, Billy Black, Mike, Jessica – Did not care for them at all or very little, so they all go into the ‘um, okay‘ tier. Jessica was annoying, and Renee was the worst mother in the saga.
Charlie Swan – The bestest dad in the world!! We stan the best, funniest, awesome human dad in the saga! I’d definitely take a bullet for him.
Edward Cullen – I’m still to this day Team Edward’s captain, founder, executive producer, director, screenwriter, all of the above. I stan this anxious, formal, awkward, brilliant, beautiful young man. I’d take a bullet for him forever!
Angela – Awww I liked her very much. I felt like she was the only real human friend Bella had. She didn’t ask for any details about Edward or anything. She just kept to herself and ate her food. Not enough to be higher territory, but enough for me to notice.
Jacob Black – Jacob, Jacob, Jakey Jake. Where do I put you….? You know what, yes he was Bella’s best friend, but I don’t think I’d take a bullet for him. The way he flipped the script on Bella after Edward returned was so immature and rude. But he’d helped her when Edward left, so he had some nice qualities about him. I’ll put him in the ‘oh, okay!’ tier for now.
Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Alice Cullen – All of the Cullens [except Rosalie] go straight in the ‘I’d take a bullet’ tier, absolutely! Best vampire family in the world!
Rosalie Hale – Again, she’s another one I hated in the beginning, but got to kinda-care for later on. Especially in Midnight Sun and Breaking Dawn, you get to see another side of her instead of this vain, cold, selfish, beautiful blonde bimbo.
Renesmee Carlie Cullen – Awww my precious baby girl Nessie! She’s so sweet and innocent. She’s really the only baby we have, so she goes into the ‘I’d take a bullet’ tier. I hate that Edward almost wanted to abort her when Bella first got pregnant, and until he’d heard the baby’s thoughts, he felt different. A little suspect, but at least she’s still here with us.
Jasper Hale – Aside from his interesting military backstory in Eclipse, and his pretty cool empathic powers, Jasper isn’t the most useful character. I wish he had a bigger feature in the movies, because in Midnight Sun, he has more of a spotlight in Edward’s point of view.
Bella Cullen (nee Swan) – My baby! My fave! My precious, determined, strong, confident, intelligent, selfless, important, human-turned-vampire warrior princess, Bella Cullen. I’d definitely take the biggest bullet for you.
Here is my final ranking chart:

Do you agree, disagree or feel neutral about my ranking list? I’d love to hear in the comments below. also, comment below on which other characters or books you want to see me rank.
See you next time!