Let me just say that this isn’t going to be a normal review, or even a mini-review. I’ve been putting off doing this review for so long, not only because I hadn’t finished the book yet, but because I wanted to marinate and simmer the experience before I came with a review at all. But in general, I did really enjoy Angie Thomas’ debut novel! 

At first, I was super excited to read this book, that’s been on my TBR/currently-read list for over a year now. I picked this up last Christmas 2017, and I haven’t been able to finish it until just now. I’ve had to read it in doses because as the initial excitement wore off, the reality of Starr’s situation set in, and the story became real. Too real. Too real for me to read all in one sitting. There were parts that made me laugh, cry, tear up, and rinse/repeat all the same. 

I as a young black female living in the United States have never personally experienced what Starr or even Khalil have dealt with when it came to the police brutality. I don’t drive, but I’ve never experienced the brute strength or intolerance of certain cops of a certain color. So not only was reading in Starr’s perspective — before, during, and after — needed for me, but also terrifying that this could happen to anyone, even to me, someone who lives in a nice neighborhood, with two middle-class working parents.

This book opened my eyes to how privileged I was, and that scared me.

I hear about these stories all of the time on the news, social media, see the hashtags and riots and calls for justice. But I hadn’t had the chance to see it through someone’s eyes who was actually going through this. Losing a friend in such a horrific way, but knowing how they died and people still treat you like you lied to defend them. How can any government official, cop, detective sleep at night knowing how many lives and families they have ruined?

I must admit, as effective this book was, the writing was kind of simplistic. However, it was simplistic because that is how young teens talk these days. (Wow, I sound super old! lol) A lot of the pop culture references didn’t fly over my head, but it may have for some older readers who have never heard of the Jonas Brothers, Disney Channel, and things like that.

Also a lot of the characters were easily likable (apart from Hailey. She could not be redeemed at all, in my opinion). Starr, her brothers, Khalil, DeVante, her family were all so enjoyable and gave the depiction of a happy family who would stick together through anything. Especially Maverick aka Big Mav, Starr’s father. He had a tough exterior but also had funny moments with his family, especially his Dad jokes. He also gave repeated speeches on how he’d named his kids. He clearly loves and adores his family; and lives to embarrass them!

“Sekani, that means merriment and joy…. I named your sister Starr because she was the light in the darkness. Seven, that’s a holy number. The number of perfection.”

And Starr is the light in the darkness; the hope too. 

Rating: 4/5 stars

Comment below if you have read The Hate U Give! Let’s discuss! 


2 Responses

  1. Karen says:

    Danielle – enjoyed reading this review. You write very well. See you at the next book club!

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