10. Under My Skin by Laura Diamond – The main characters, Adam and Darby, definitely wasted no time on being together in a hospital!
9. How to Be Cool by Annie Carr – Another cute, little romance novel about two weird characters, Ethan and Laura, who fall in love way too quickly. Ethan is a disabled character, a young boy with cerebral palsy, but his heart falls for Laura all the way.
8. Wendy Darling: Stars by Colleen Oakes – I can’t remember if this was an instalove book or not, but I’m sure it was because Wendy and Peter Pan were all over each other in here.

Slow Burns – when 2 main characters either hate each other then slowly fall in love, or are completely screwed up in confusion, and fall in love at the very end
7. Running in the Dark by Inger Iversen – Bessie and Trace’s banter towards each other was hysterical, but them falling for each other was even better. It’s hard to believe that their relationship happens in one day!
6. Discovering April by Sheena Hutchinson – This is another book I can’t remember if it was a slow burn or instalove… I don’t think it was instalove because Jared and April knew each other from when they were friends when they were little kids, but they weren’t close. Then when Jared’s parents died, he completely cut her off until she got him to start talking again. And then they dated, fell in love, broke up then got back together. I don’t know, I’ll have to ask Sheena if she’s not too busy lol.
5. Anomaly by Tonya Kuper – Josie and Reid were another couple where all they did was banter all through the book. Granted, Josie had to get used to a new world and her new powers, but their arguing was hilarious!! Josie was an epic nerd, and Reid loved that about her.

4. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green – Hazel Grace and Gus loved each other deeply, but it didn’t start out that way. Gus had a deep crush on her, but she’d wanted to stay friends to save him from hurting him in case she died first [they both have cancer]. But when he’d done all he could just to get her the one thing she’d always wanted, that was when she finally fell for him. Super sweet!! I’d love a young man like Gus in my life.
3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – Katniss definitely has a tough exterior that no man can crack, so it was definitely a rough burn for her and Peeta to get together. And when they did, it wasn’t even because she was in love with him, she did it to save herself and her family. She let all these people lead her around, and yet the only thing she cared about was Peeta?! When he was always needing saving?! Sorry, I went on a little rant there lol. I like Peeta, but at least Gale was more built for speed and aggression.
2. Divergent by Veronica Roth – Four and Tris had a rocky start back in the day. They didn’t hate each other, but since Tris was trying to keep away from being noticed, she had to avoid him. But then he found out she was Divergent, however, he was too! So they matched! And their love for each other was epic!!
1. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer – The biggest fantasy-romance couple who went through a massive slow-burn in the first book, a breakup and makeup in the second, a love triangle in the third, a marriage, sex, baby, and an epic battle in the last: Edward and Bella!! [And yes, I know that was a very long sentence, but it needed to be said! lol]
So those are my favorite romantic tropes. I’d love to know your choices in the comments below.