TOP TEN TUESDAY #43: Books that Surprised Me the Most

Formerly hosted by Jamie, Jana and Lauren of, Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly book meme that presents top ten lists on Tuesdays that promotes favorite bookish themes. Since had officially shut down in January 2018, Jana from ThatArtsyReaderGirl has offered to continue the series on her blog. 

How it works:

I assign each Tuesday a topic and then post my top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join me and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.

This week’s topic:  Books That Surprised Me (in a good or bad way)

Note: If this post sounds like I wrote it with my eyes closed, that’s because I wrote it at 3 am, nodding off every couple words. It’s been a long week of working my day job, so my head is really out of it. Off to sleep now!Hope you like this post. 

Still Alice by Lisa Genova –  Ok, so I read this companion novel because the movie version starred Kristen Stewart, one of my favorite actresses! Sue me! However, I really liked the book version, as well. I wasn’t aware of the scientific aspects of what Alzheimer’s disease does to the body, the mind, the spirit. 

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman –  This book was everything!!! It had the diversity down (Japanese-American girl), mental health down (triggering social anxiety/abusive, racist mother), and a character arc that was so endearing to watch. 

How to be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life by Lilly Singh –  I’m a huge Superwoman fan, but as Youtuber books go, I’d expected this to be another superficial, one-dimensional tale of how to be a successful Youtuber. But this BAWSE isn’t like that. Lilly dug deep into her past struggles with depression, anxiety, self-doubt, and how she basically took her time with the online platform to become one of the hottest, most subscribed Youtuber! Her genuine understanding of knowing herself to share with the rest of the world makes me want to know her better as a writer. 

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon –  I’ll talk about this in fuller detail in a mini-review, but I didn’t expect to like this book so much! And relate to it on a personal level, given that Natasha is Jamaican, and my family is Jamaican. Also, I didn’t expect to like the overall story, even though it may seem kinda cheesy to some. 

What are some books that surprised you? Leave comments below!

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