#T5W TOP 5 WEDNESDAY: Favorite Bromances

Hey guys! This is a new feature I joined from Goodreads’ Top 5 Wednesdays, a weekly book group about our top five favorite things in the middle of the week.

Created by Lainey from GingerReadsLainey and now hosted by Samantha from ThoughtsonTomes, this week’s entry describes the top 5 bromances in books. 
August 30th: Favorite Bromances
— I think we have done this topic before in the distant past, but who doesn’t love a good bromance? Bromance = platonic relationship between two characters who identify as male.

You’ll notice that a lot of my choices involve similar characters who have male relationships with other people. That’s the point. You can have different relationships with various kinds of people. That’s what makes those bonds so strong. 

5. Edward and Emmett Cullen – Twilight

We rarely get to see their relationship in the movies, but in the books, I like that they have a more playful, friendly connection. 
4. Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale – Twilight

Another Cullen bros. moment. We see Jasper’s back story in Eclipse, but we don’t get to see Edward and his brother’s relationship much here either. However, in fanfics, there are a lot of stories that expand on their brotherhood, which is very touching. 
3. Alec Lightwood and Jace Wayland – Shadowhunters/Mortal Instruments

Alec and Jace have a very…..interesting relationship! They went from friends to parabatai to brothers very quickly. A lot of people seem to forget that Alec was once in love with Jace for years! Until he realized he was gay, he did everything in his power to shove his feelings for Jace. I think that love for Jace made their relationship even stronger because his actions brought Jace closer to him as family. 
2. Alec and Max Lightwood- Shadowhunters/Mortal Instruments

Moment of silence for Max, please.

Max was the baby of the Lightwood family, and he’d always shadowed both Jace and Alec as being the best. He’d wanted to be just like them. Especially Alec, because he was his big brother. 

1. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley – Harry Potter

Need I say more?! The best wizard power duo in the history of Hogwarts!! They’ve had their jealous moments (especially Ron) but they always come back to each other and love each other. 

No pictures this week. I still have to do this week’s T5W, amongst other things. But I hope this one is still good! 
What are some of your favorite bromances? Comment below!

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