POEM 12: “My Mind”
My mind is always tripping, flipping back and forth,Never landing on one or the other.It’s always this or that,That or this,Back and forth,Twisting and turning,Over and...
My mind is always tripping, flipping back and forth,Never landing on one or the other.It’s always this or that,That or this,Back and forth,Twisting and turning,Over and...
Since this blog is called POETRYBooksYA, I’ve decided to incorporate some original poetry into my list posts. Each poem will be made from prompt list by...
I feel like time allows us to be in this constant motion. Like we’re always moving, Always talking, Always on social media, Always posting, Always sharing,...
I found this post on Instagram, and it explains perfectly about how I feel about my life right now. Right now, I feel like I’m in...
Frustration. Anger. Resentment. Anguish. Angst. Pain. Torture. Fear. Loss. How long until I finally get what I want? How long until I finally finish school? When...
Breathe in, breathe out. Why can’t I get you out of my head? Why do I keep thinking of the same situation? It’s been 2 days...
I have to learn how to live.To laugh.To have fun sometimes.I have to learn how to brush some things off.To know that not everyone feels the...
How can I say this in words you’ll understand?How can I say this without hurting your feelings?How can I say this so you won’t end up...
What is country, exactly? Is it singing with a guitar in your hand? Or is it about the passion behind the music? The craft and the...
I know I can overcome anything.But sometimes I make mistakes,And it’s hard to see the good inside everything. But I know there’s a light at the...