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Ok obviously I’m failing Blogmas miserably over on Patreon this year, please forgive me. But we move forward! Or at least pretend that the last 3 days didn’t exist during finals week…
Here’s a book blog post for you for Day 10 of Blogmas!
I’ve done the Mid-Year Freakout Book Tag about a month ago on my university’s book blog, so after this post, please go check that out. But for today, I’d like to try the Bookish Questions book tag, whom I saw from Krysta @ Pages Unbound, who then saw it on Becky’s Book Blog. They both don’t know who the originator of the tag is, so if you know, please let me know.
Genre I stay away from.
I usually stay away from horror, high fantasy, and sci-fi. Not that I’m totally against reading any of those genres, but I don’t read them.
Worst habit as a reader?
Checking my phone every five minutes! Even if the book is so good and everything about it draws me in to keep reading, my addiction to my phone won’t allow me. I do have Do Not Disturb on my phone, but I definitely need to apply it more during reading. Another bad reading habit is checking out the last few pages of the book before reading the first pages. I’m an impatient person and I want to know if the story ends well or not. So I’ll skim the last 1-2 pages of the book, and if I like it, then I’ll go back to the beginning and read it all over again. It’s weird, I know! But it works for me.
Do I read the synopsis?
I’ll skim it real quick and see if anything sticks out to me. I won’t dive into the synopsis if it’s a book I already want to read.
Do I read used books?
Yes, of course! I mostly borrow books from my local library, the library app Libby, and my university library.
Read more on my Patreon Post HERE. This post is open to both paid and free members! 😉
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My debut poetry collection Reality Check is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

Shout-Out to my Patreon Members:
Wesley Lindsey
Cave Marie
Aykut Åžeker
Visit https://www.patreon.com/poetrybooksya for more exclusive, creative writing and poetry content! Check out my introductory post on Patreon here. There are a lot of fun posts on there you will enjoy.
Some posts include:
- Earn a free signed copy of my debut poetry book, Reality Check
- View Early Access blog posts before they go on the main website
- I’ll write a poem about you!
- Patreon’s Choice: Suggest topics for me to write about on the blog
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Thanks for reading,