Hosted by MizB from adailyrhythm.com, Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme where you share two (2) “teaser” sentences from your current read to try to entice others to want to seek it out.
This week’s teaser:
“Ruby: Rosie honey, you’re 25 years old, you’ve got at least ten years of your life left before it’s over. You should get out there and enjoy yourself, stop letting the weight of the world rest on your shoulders; that’s my job. And stop waiting for him.
Rosie: Stop waiting for who?”
“Ruby: For Alex. Rosie: I don’t know what you’re talking about! I am not waiting for Alex! Ruby: Yes you are, my dear friend. He must be some man because nobody can ever measure up to him. And I know that’s what you do every time you meet someone: compare. I’m sure he’s a fabulous friend and I’m sure he always says sweet and wonderful things to you. But he’s not here. He’s thousands of miles away working as a doctor in great big hospital and he lives in a fancy apartment with his fancy doctor fiancée. I don’t think he’s thinking of leaving that life anytime soon to come back to a single mother who’s living in a tiny flat working in a crappy part-time job with a crazy friend who e-mails her every second. So stop waiting and move on. Live your life.”
“Rosie: I am not waiting.
Ruby: Rosie—
Rosie: I have to get back to work now.
Rosie has logged off”
I’m reading Love, Rosie for last month’s Bibliophile Academy’s #BullseyeRightinthefeels tag! Join us on Goodreads!